Wild onions grew throughout the world, and while on the hunt for food, early humans munched on the delicious roots along their journey.
Green onions don’t produce bulbs like normal onions but instead produce long green stalks.
This well-known variety of green onion from Japan has been specially bred to produce lots of green shoots. It is also disease-resistant and perfect for colder weather.
Getting started
Poke about six evenly spaced holes in the soil as deep as your fingernail. Add five to eight seeds to each hole and cover with soil. Place somewhere warm and bright, like a windowsill and keep the soil damp but not drenched.
Cut a plastic bottle in half and place it over where you planted the seeds. This is called propagating and will keep them warm.
Growing on
Keep these well-watered. However, allow them to dry out a little between each watering. Once they’re a few inches tall, you can remove the plastic bottle propagator.
These will split into bunches as they grow and you can divide each clump to multiply your green onion. Magic!
Munch time
These guys can be harvested early for smaller, chive-sized green onions. However, if you want them fully grown, wait until they’re about 12 inches tall, which should take about eight weeks.
I love adding these to all sorts. They’re perfect for topping soups and salads, and can be enjoyed raw or cooked.
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