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Frequently Asked Questions
How do deliveries work?Once you make your first order, your lovely courier will drop your box off safe and sound in 2-3 working days. All future boxes will come around that same date of the month. e.g. always around the 15th. We'll let you know each time when one's coming your way. If you're out, we'll always leave it in a safe spot or try to redeliver when convenient.
Where do you deliver?All across the UK, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Lettuce growwwww 🌱
Can I choose my own seeds?We do the choosing (for now 👀) We send specially hand-chosen seeds each month according to what funky food is best to grow at the time. We'll work hard to give you more choice in the future, but Alex is currently doing everything. In the meantime, we're still very keen to hear what you want to grow and how we can improve our offering, so please drop us an email with any suggestions.
Is it hard to grow my own veg?Most are easy, but there are a few tricky ones. We work very hard to make growing your own as easy as possible. We've built our service around this and have chosen seeds accordingly. Plus, you can join our 50 Ways To Grow Food community when you order. We'll teach you what to do, when to do it and how to fix things if they go wrong. We've got you.
Can I gift your boxes?For sure! You can get our standard rolling subscription delivered to someone else - just pop their delivery address in our checkout. We're in the process of setting up an options for ordering a block of kits that will cancel automatically.
What space do I need?Only a small amount of indoor and outdoor space that gets decent light. Each kit contains 3-4 fabric planters that take up a 20 cm diameter circle. By indoor space, we mean windowsills or surfaces near glass; by outdoor space, we mean patios and balconies. They should get 6-8 hours of light a day (4 hours absolute minimum). If you've got a patio or big balcony, you're best off selecting monthly deliveries. If you've got a small balcony, you'll be better off selecting monthly or every other month. Otherwise, things may become a pickle! Some people like that, though, so up to you. If you haven't got any outdoor space, hold tight. We have plans for indoor growing.
Do I put the pots inside or outside?Outside for the most part, but some stay inside for a bit. We tend to start herbs off inside, like basil and parsley. When it's still cold out, we tend to start tomatoes and chillies indoors around February/March time. They move out when the weather's nice and warm. Everything else is good on patios and balconies.
How long will my seeds take to grow?It varies. Some only take a few weeks until they're ready to eat. Some take a few months (but are well worth it). Generally, we send reasonably speedy things so you aren't waiting too long. They last for different lengths too. Some are very seasonal and don't last through the winter. Others are much tougher and can last for most of the year.
Is your compost peat -free?Oh yes, we take our sustainability very seriously. It's made from coconut husk that would otherwise go to waste - a by-product of the coconut industry. Our friends in Sri Lanka repurpose them into bricks for us. To read more about our commitment to sustainability, click here.
When do you take payment?We'll take payment when you make your first order and again on the same day each month that you get a box delivered.
Can I cancel my subscription?Of course. Just email us at or create an account on our website with the email address you used to sign up. It'll automatically sync with your subscription, and you can cancel there.
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