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Czech Aubergines - How to Grow Your Own

Writer's picture: AlexAlex

Updated: Feb 14, 2024

Selected for its tolerance of cool UK summers. Produces lots of round black fruit on sturdy bushes.

Did you know that Americans call the aubergine an eggplant? This is because the variety first brought to North America by immigrants was white, and egg like in appearance.

Czech aubergine illustration

The aubergine is in the same family as the tomato. Did you know, by definition, an aubergine is a berry!

Getting started

Make a hole in the soil as deep as your fingernail. Add two seeds and cover with soil. Place somewhere warm like a sunny windowsill or airing cupboard and keep the soil damp, not drenched.

Cut a plastic bottle in half and place over where you planted the seeds. This will keep them warm and moist.

If starting off somewhere dark, check daily and move somewhere with light as soon as they germinate. Thin out any extra seedlings after about three weeks when their first true leaves appear to prevent them competing for nutrients.

Growing on

Water aubergine plants generously and consistently throughout the growing season once moved outside. Plants in containers are particularly susceptible to drying out and may need watering at least once a day in hot weather.

When aubergine plants are 30cm tall pinch the tip off the top of the plant. This encourages it to produce side-shoots, forming a bushier plant with more fruits. Pick regularly to ensure more flowers form.

Munch time

These should be ready to harvest by August but may be ready sooner depending on weather. Pick individual fruits as soon as they’re full sized, ripe and well coloured, with a glossy skin.

My favourite way to enjoy aubergines is by making baba ganoush, a delicious Middle-Eastern smoky dip, great with flatbread.


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